Holiday No More: Help Kids Go Back to School

Holiday is over and it’s school time once again. I know kids indulged so much of the Christmas season and were still excited about the gifts and toys they received that they seemed allergic to hold a book or pencil again. Another big challenge for parents is waking their kids early in the morning to go to school, specially those who have a preschooler like me.

Well, parents can avoid these scenarios. Here are some things I did to help my daughter get ready for her “schoolcoming”

1) Talk about her school and classmates even on holidays. – I usually ask her if she misses her classmates and her teacher. I believe that even how preoccupied she was this Holiday, she could still think about or wonder what gifts her classmates received last Christmas and it will make her excited to meet them again.

2) Schedule play time and study time. – I believe we should still follow the right time to play and the right time to study. It is an act of disciplining your child, although I usually lessen the time to study during the Holidays. I just let her read if she wants or write her name during this time so she won’t forget what she learned in school.

Or when playtime, I let her play with the coloring books or shapes so she can still learn and remember some of her school lessons.

3) Have a Holiday countdown. – I know this may seem harsh, but letting our children know that Holiday season will be over soon can help them adjust with their priorities. Especially if they have a scheduled quarterly exams after the long vacation which is more stressful for kids (and moms) right?

Lastly, to help our kids be refreshed with school activities, we should communicate and ask them how was their first day in school.