If you or someone you know needs assistance inside the home because of an illness, injury or safety concerns, then a caregiver might be the answer. Many in home caregiver Darien nursing companies have workers who can stay in the home overnight or for several hours at a time. If you think that this kind of service would benefit your family, then the first thing that you need to do is talk to a coordinator who can work out a schedule and discuss the specific services that can be provided.
A nurse will usually visit the home to talk to you and the person who needs the extra care. The nurse will likely look around the home to determine if there is any medical equipment that should be in the home as most nursing companies have ways to get the items that you need that you might not be able to get. The nurse will talk to the patient to determine the skill level of care that is needed. Some patients only need someone there during the day to help with bathing, errands, cooking, and cleaning. Other patients need someone in the home 24 hours a day to prevent falls, to help with medications and to monitor the overall health of the patient.
Once a schedule has been made and the nurse knows what kind of care needs to be provided, a nursing assistant or caregiver will usually be the one who comes to the home during the week. This person can help take the patient to doctor’s appointments and to other places that include the grocery store or even a hair salon. Caregivers can help with cooking meals, making sure medications are taken properly, getting dressed in the morning or in the evening, and providing companionship so that the patient doesn’t feel alone.