Factors to Consider in Building a Bulk Storage Silo

When building a bulk storage silo, you should consider several factors. These include the design and construction of the silo itself, the feed and discharge systems, the design of an aeration system, and the use of moisture sealant. Below are a few more tips for building a bulk storage silo. In addition, you should also consider flow-aid devices to promote and prevent ratholing and bridging.

Elements of a silo design

Bulk storage silos are used for holding liquids, bulk chemicals, and other materials. Typical materials for this purpose are food products, plastic resins, and dry chemicals. Other materials stored in bulk silos include wood waste, miscellaneous dry products, and minerals. There are two types of bulk silos. One type uses field-bolted panels, and the other uses a welded structure. Both types can be assembled quickly at ground level.

There are several choices to consider when it comes to the construction materials of bulk silos. Stainless steel and aluminum are common materials for silos. There are also dual-metallic alloys available. When choosing a silo design, consider how long the grain will be stored. If the bulk storage silo is used for a short period, select a silo close to the point of origin to maximize efficiency and speed.

Feed and discharge system design

There are two basic types of bulk storage silos. Side and center discharge. Side discharge silos discharge by manual hand into loader buckets or bags, while center discharge silos discharge through the building walls. Both types of silos promote uniform flow rates and avoid stagnant zones. When choosing a silo, keep the following considerations in mind:

Material flow: The type of silo you choose will impact the amount and shape of the materials you store. The height should be tall enough to minimize downward force on the hopper support, reducing operation costs. It is essential to ensure that the interior surface of the silo is smooth and corrosion-resistant, especially if the material will hang upward. Some silos include a baked-on dry powder coating.

Moisture sealant

Properly building and sealing bulk storage silos is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the stored product. Improper storage can cause spoilage, reduced quality, and higher environmental costs. Condensation and mold growth are common problems associated with bulk storage silos. A moisture barrier is necessary for storage silos because transport air is typically warm and high in moisture. When this moisture is trapped in the silo, it can lead to condensation and affect the aeration of the product at the bottom. Stable humidity is essential for storage silos because it prevents condensation and helps maintain product flow, reducing spoilage.

Bulk material storage silos are designed to maintain consistent material quality and reliable high volume storage. Bulk storage silos are constructed from hot-dip galvanized steel and feature Class G90 coatings. These silos are available in sizes ranging from 5,000 pounds to 1 million pounds and will enhance overall process effectiveness. In addition, by utilizing moisture-sealing technology, NBE bulk storage silos are more durable than traditional silos.

Design of aeration system

When designing an aeration system for a bulk storage silo, there are many factors to consider. The size, shape, and number of outlets in the silo will influence the design. Fly ash storage silos must be equipped with a system that can control the pressure in the storage tank, including safety devices and level switches. In addition, the system must be appropriately sized for its intended purpose.

Grain aeration systems are particularly beneficial because they can be installed at harvest and control grain quality in storage. Proper aeration increases harvest flexibility and improves marketing opportunities. During storage, grains retain harvest temperatures and moisture, which can cause insect activity, molding, and quality degradation. The Aeration Controller automatically operates the silo’s fans when ambient weather conditions are optimum for cooling.

Construction methods

There are several construction methods for bulk storage silos. The first method is to place the silo between two existing constructions. Then, you can install the funnel on the floor of the silo. Once you have established the funnel, the next step is to install the bottom floor and the cone. Once the base floor is installed, you can attach a steel cone to the silo wall to support the hanging cone. This allows the material to flow in a specific pattern according to the materials. Additionally, you will be able to eliminate the safety issues associated with shuttle flow patterns.

When you use the ‘prism’ construction method, you will build a large face that forms the internal wall of the cell. This face is equipped with sockets for the erection of the work platform. The work platform is designed to receive the agents assigned to the construction of the cell. This way, they will be able to work without using external scaffolding. In addition, this method will minimize the total amount of concrete that you will use.

Cost of a storage silo

When purchasing a bulk storage silo, several factors to consider before making a final decision. First, after assessing your financial situation, you should consider the location of the silo and its sizing. It is also vital to consider the hopper flow aid device for reliable discharge. Finally, you should discuss your options with a specialist in bulk storage silos before making a final decision.

Depending on the size of your business, you may want to purchase a cylindrical silo. These are heavy, three to five-layer tubes that can range from eight to twelve feet in diameter. The theoretical height of a silo can be as high as thirty meters. While cylindrical silos are more expensive, they tend to have lower storage losses and can be unloaded onto trucks, conveyors, and rail cars. However, the cylinder shape of the silo makes them less flexible than their spherical counterparts.