Many times, the terms sober living and halfway house are used interchangeably. While each facility is based on the same fundamental principle of group recovery, they are not the same thing. Therefore, to understand which establishment is best suited to either your or a loved one’s recovery, it is beneficial to acknowledge the key differences and similarities between sober living houses and halfway houses.
Sober Living Houses
When looking for a recovery house rockville md a sober living house may be right for you if you can afford to pay for your own expenses. Also, these types of sober facilities do not have a limit to your length of stay, which is beneficial for someone looking for long-term recovery options. There is also a difference between funding sources and regulatory agencies, meaning that some sober living houses are privately funded operations. While there are differences between sober living and halfway houses, each generally shares in the expectation of sobriety and household responsibilities.
Halfway Houses
Halfway houses differ from sober living homes in several ways. First, most halfway facilities will not accept residents unless they have already completed formal rehab treatments. Also, there are typically limitations on the length of stay for residents, with most maxing out at one year. Last, halfway houses are usually government funded operations, leaving them vulnerable to budgetary cuts.
Both sober living and halfway houses provide a safe environment for recovering addicts and usually abide by the same expectations of residents. However, sober living facilities are a tad more stable because they are privately funded, making them not as susceptible to budgetary cuts. However, there is not one right facility. How good a place is for you depends on your specific situation. Therefore, before coming to any decision for you or a loved one, it is best to sit down with representatives of both facilities and ask questions.