Jonas, Kiat and I tested positive for COVID-19. Yes, you read it right, even our 12 year old daughter got the SARS-COV2 virus and only our eldest, Karl was negative.
We’re under home quarantine since hospitals near our home were already in full capacity. We only had consultation through KonsultaMD. We also chose to stay at home because I am asymptomatic while Kiat had mild cough. It was only Jonas who showed mild to severe symptoms of COVID-19 from cough, high fever, nausea, body pains and headache. The pain, as Jonas described it was excruciating. He was wailing at night in his room, while Kiat was coughing in the other room. I was couched in between their rooms and hearing their agony was a nightmare. I was praying reluctantly they won’t suffer from chest pains and breathing difficulty. I was praying, my eldest won’t be tormented from anxiety and fear of getting infected too.
Having the thought that we were ill made me scared. Having the thought that I am not in pain but my loved ones, made me scared to death. I just pray to the LORD to help us get through this with HIS mercy.
Two days, three days and a week had passed after taking some medications, lemons and tea, Kiat’s coughing eases. Jonas feels a lot better though he still has cough and body pains. WE’RE RECOVERING! Thanks for healing us, LORD!
Thanks for the PRAYERS from friends who sees me even at times I’m invisible. Thanks for the help and love of family, relatives and neighbors. Thanks for the COVID-19 vaccine. Jonas was fully vaccinated while I’m on my first dose. I believe the vaccine also helped us battle the SARS COV2 virus’ symptoms. We’re looking forward to tests NEGATIVE after our 14-day quarantine.
P.S. Apart from praying and making your immune system strong, I suggest you get vaccinated too. Yes, you might still get ill, but at least you have some protection. #covid19diaries #ourcovidstory #wearepositivebutstrong #wearepositive #ThankyouNPJN #SalamatpoAma