Having a healthy body nowadays is already a big achievement. However, making great health a real thing is a challenging task. Did you know that experts recommend daily exercise for at least 30 minutes to really thrive and optimize our health levels? Do you regularly do it? Can you regularly do it?
After getting sick, I know that I need a strategy to make myself healthy. Moving my body at least 5-6 times per week is my goal. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday i skip rope in style wearing bombshell leggings. During Saturday and Sunday, I ran. If ever the weather isn’t fine, I do Yoga.
Honestly, I don’t know yet which exercise for me is fun because some people don’t do a specific form of workout and they only do it if they really enjoy it. For some, it is exciting to go cycling, dance or do zumba. For others, it is boxing or going to the gym that drives them the most.
Also, we have our own fashion when it comes to exercising. We need to wear comfortable workout shirts and shoes. There are yoga clothes or gym clothes and boxing shorts. Even shoes have specifications, for running, walking, skiing or for basketball. Aside from these, we also have our own workout materials that sometimes come in style or jive with our fashion.
For now, I am still figuring out my fitness personality and making some lifestyle changes after surviving the disease. I hope to see great results while continuing to boost my immunity.