#CelebrateWellness with Robinsons Supermarket Celebrate Promo

There are lots of exciting rewards waiting for loyal customers of Robinsons Supermarket this August until September as it launched the CELEBRATE promo at the Eastwood Mall last Saturday.

Celebrate promo was the fourth of Robinsons Route to Wellness series of promos which started in March with Explore, Learn in May, and the Wellness Festival in July. It will culminate with Give in December where more wellness rewards will be given away to customers. Customers are encouraged to collect at least 5 stamps at every promo period to get a PHP100 Robinsons gift certificate.

Get great rewards using your ROUTE TO WELLNESS CARD from August 1 to September 30. GET a FREE PICNIC MAT for every P3,000 single receipt purchase with P500 worth of  participating products from Unilever, P&G, Colgate-Palmolive, J&J, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Selecta, Belo, CDO, and Kojie-San and other products. The picnic mats come in 3 colors: blue, green and purple.

During the launch, families celebrated the wellness we explored and learned inside the Wellness Theme Park.



Kids and moms lined-up for the free cotton candy and popcorn!



Some had a refreshing hair wash at the Johnson & Johnson’s booth.


Can’t stop kids at the wall climbing kiosk.


Look how children love every activities, from the bubble station, fruits in hoops and the Princess Parlor.


Even moms where challenged at Shoot the milk, you have to fill the container, at least half of it with balls.



Children love the BENTO making session at AQIVA booth.

For loyal customers in Metro Manila suburbs Robinsons Supermarket have a scheduled Caravan for you to enjoy.


August 7          –    Eastwood Mall

August 12-14 –    Robinsons Supermarket Pulilan

August 19-21 –    Robinsons Supermarket Montalban Town Center

August 26-28 –    Robinsons Supermarket Nuvali

September 2-4 – Robinsons Pioneer

September 9-11 – Robinsons Supermarket Tabunok Cebu

For more updates, visit https://www.facebook.com/RobinsonsSupermarketOfficial/